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/ TIME: Almanac 1990 / 1990 Time Magazine Compact Almanac, The (1991)(Time).iso / time / mnu / is / 121189.mnu < prev    next >
Text File  |  1991-04-24  |  5.6 KB  |  77 lines

  1. FROM THE PUBLISHER                                    ;2\time\121189\12118900.061
  2. AMERICAN SCENE                                        ;9
  3.  Pritam Singh's Strange Career                        ;2\time\121189\12118900.049
  4. CRITICS' VOICES                                       ;2\time\121189\12118900.048
  5. EAST-WEST                                             ;9
  6.  Turning Visions Into Reality                         ;2\time\121189\12118900.036
  7.  Gorbachev, God And Socialism                         ;2\time\121189\12118900.046
  8.  The Presidency:Talk Of Peace, Tools Of War           ;2\time\121189\12118900.045
  9.  America Abroad:Reciprocity At Last                   ;2\time\121189\12118900.044
  10.  What Have You Done For Us Lately?                    ;2\time\121189\12118900.043
  11.  The Conscience Of Prague                             ;2\time\121189\12118900.042
  12.  Anatomy Of A Purge                                   ;2\time\121189\12118900.041
  13.  Kohl Takes On Topic A                                ;2\time\121189\12118900.024
  14. INTERVIEW                                             ;9
  15.  Egon Krenz:He Stopped The Shooting                   ;2\time\121189\12118900.040
  16. WORLD                                                 ;9
  17.  The Philippines:Soldier Power                        ;2\time\121189\12118900.037
  18.  Central America:No Place To Hide                     ;2\time\121189\12118900.035
  19.  Terrorism:Target For The Red Army Faction            ;2\time\121189\12118900.000
  20.  India:The Fall Of The House Of Nehru                 ;2\time\121189\12118900.034
  21.  Middle East:Still Stuck In The Stone Age             ;2\time\121189\12118900.032
  22.  Cat And Mouse In The Casbah                          ;2\time\121189\12118900.031
  23.  Finis For The Master Terrorist?                      ;2\time\121189\12118900.030
  24.  Switzerland:The Swiss Army Gets Knifed               ;2\time\121189\12118900.029
  25.  Ethiopia:A Wounded People Starves                    ;2\time\121189\12118900.028
  26.  Hong Kong:Goodbye, And Here's $620                   ;2\time\121189\12118900.026
  27.  Comoro Islands:Death Among The Ilang-Ilang           ;2\time\121189\12118900.027
  28. BUSINESS                                              ;9
  29.  The Big Comeuppance                                  ;2\time\121189\12118900.025
  30.  A Golden Boy's Woe:"I'm Virtually A Slave"          ;2\time\121189\12118900.023
  31.  Debacle On 34th Street                               ;2\time\121189\12118900.022
  32.  Aerospace:Soviet Wings, Capitalist Tool              ;2\time\121189\12118900.017
  33.  Transportation:All Aboard? Not Quite                 ;2\time\121189\12118900.018
  34.  Deals:Heads I Win, Tails You Lose                    ;2\time\121189\12118900.021
  35.  Public Offerings:Blazing Shares                      ;2\time\121189\12118900.019
  36.  Entertainment:This Video Has An Arf A Minute         ;2\time\121189\12118900.020
  37. ETHICS                                                ;9
  38.  Whose Right To Die?                                  ;2\time\121189\12118900.016
  39. ENVIRONMENT                                           ;9
  40.  No Home For Hot Trash                                ;2\time\121189\12118900.015
  41. PROFILE                                               ;9
  42.  Faye Wattleton:Nothing Less Than Perfect             ;2\time\121189\12118900.014
  43. PEOPLE                                                ;9
  44.  Voice Over                                           ;2\time\121189\12118900.010
  45.  Rabbit Redux                                         ;2\time\121189\12118900.011
  46.  Giant Leap                                           ;2\time\121189\12118900.012
  47.  Where's Jesse?                                       ;2\time\121189\12118900.009
  48. VIDEO                                                 ;9
  49.  Mock Crisis, Real Players                            ;2\time\121189\12118900.008
  50. MILESTONES                                            ;9
  51.      Indicted:Billie Sol Estes                       ;2\time\121189\12118900.004
  52.  Back At Work:29-Year-Old Jogger                     ;2\time\121189\12118900.005
  53.        Ailing:Gloria Carter Spann                    ;2\time\121189\12118900.006
  54.          Died:Joseph T. Nall                         ;2\time\121189\12118900.007
  55. PRESS                                                 ;9
  56.  Editor, Heal Thyself                                 ;2\time\121189\12118900.003
  57. CINEMA                                                ;9
  58.  Warty Worm                                           ;2\time\121189\12118900.002
  59.  Marriage To The Bitter End                           ;2\time\121189\12118900.001
  60. HEALTH                                                ;9
  61.  Counterattack                                        ;2\time\121189\12118900.068
  62.  A Mother's Gift Of Life                              ;2\time\121189\12118900.067
  63. BOOKS                                                 ;9
  64.  Of Cats, Myths And Pizza                             ;2\time\121189\12118900.066
  65. MEDICINE                                              ;9
  66.  Can Drugs Cure Drug Addiction?                       ;2\time\121189\12118900.065
  67. LAW                                                   ;9
  68.  Have Law Degree, Will Travel                         ;2\time\121189\12118900.064
  69. SHOW BUSINESS                                         ;9
  70.  Wild Seed In The Big Apple                           ;2\time\121189\12118900.038
  71. THEATER                                               ;9
  72.  Dreamscapes                                          ;2\time\121189\12118900.039
  73. DESIGN                                                ;9
  74.  Tacky Nostalgia? No, These Are Landmarks             ;2\time\121189\12118900.063
  75. ESSAY                                                 ;9
  76.  Being Right In A Post-Postwar World                  ;2\time\121189\12118900.050